Recap: Great Auction in Annandale VA

Annandale VA. Last Friday, Jan 24th 2020, we had the privilege of auctioning the property at 6803 Capstan Dr, Annandale VA. One of our partners, an estate attorney, referred us to the owner. She had recently taken over her dad's estate, and was put in position of clearing out the property and selling the house. We were able to come in, help to auction off the personal property and front the cost of removing anything that did not sell. We also fronted the cost of all of the marketing for the house.
With the property being on the market for 2 weeks (very successful marketing campaign), we had little over 50 registered bidders ready to put their highest bid in to purchase it. After the dust settled, the highest bid ended up being $500,000. It was a huge win for our seller and that is what it is all about.
We are excited that we were able to help our seller to take care of her dad's estate and be able to move forward.
Below are pictures of the auction and the video of our Auctioneer Tim Dudley performing the auction. Check it all out while we attend to our next seller!