Maximizing Your Max Bid Option

Have you ever missed out on a purchase because you were out bid and you would have paid more if you were given an opportunity to make a higher bid?
If you have ever bid on real estate, equipment, vehicles or personal items in an auction sale, you will answer to the question above with a "yes." That is because we are either too busy to stick around for the closing of the item(s) and/or we have bids on multiples items that we cannot keep up with at the end. What makes it frustrating is losing an item to a winning bid amount that you were willing to pay for it.
What we've created with our online auction marketplace, gives you the ability to place your maximum bid on our auction items. Which means, you're making a bidding decision that you are most comfortable with without the worry of under or overbidding. The bidding system will do the bidding for you up to the set amount. If the auction ends before you reach your max bid amount, you win the auction item at that current amount!
Example: If you placed a max bid of $100 for an item, and the auction ends and your winning bid is $75, then that is the amount you will pay for the item.
Another great thing about maximizing your bid, is that you can always increase your max amount and if you are outbid you can bid if you choose to do so. This option comes in real handy especially when you are bidding on multiples items in one sale making it easier for you to keep track of each item as they are closing. You will spend less time focusing on an item or items that go higher than what you are willing pay for them.
Now ask yourself, "What am I willing to bid up to?", set your max bid amount and sit back & relax!